Welcome to Roots Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!

Welcome to Roots Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu If you are new to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and new to our team, then welcome! We hope you find a new hobby, a new competition team, a new lifestyle… Whatever you are looking for, we know you’ll find a home at Roots. Under our roof you’ll meet a large group of family and friends who have trained together for over a decade, along with a host of new friends who, like you, have found a welcoming home at Roots. So, what can you expect on your Jiu-Jitsu journey? Here are a few things to think about as you get started in what will hopefully be a lifelong pursuit: YOU WILL FEEL LOST Jiu-jitsu is hard. There is no one who steps on our mat, no matter how much prior grappling experience they have, who thinks Jiu-Jitsu is easy. The mat is an ocean, and you are now swimming with sharks. You will find yourself baffled and confused, and sometimes completely overwhelmed. But don’t worry – we’ve all been there! It gets better. And no matter how impossible it seems, it’s a puzzle that you will find yourself thinking about night and day. In the car. In the shower. Standing in line at the grocery store. You get the idea. YOU WILL GET HOOKED Not to presume too much, but most people who stick around for a month or two find themselves inextricably hooked on Jiu-Jitsu. It releases endorphins, it meets our natural social needs, and it creates an intellectual curiosity that is never satisfied. There is always something new to learn, always something to improve upon, always something to discover. There are new belts, the next tournament, the next seminar, the next Shoyoroll release… it’s a constantly evolving process that keeps us coming back for more. YOU WILL GET BETTER If it seems like an insurmountable obstacle to get good at jiu-jitsu, don’t worry. There are no shortcuts, there are no magical systems. There is no replacement for time on the mat and getting tapped out A LOT. You will tap to people smaller than you. You will tap to people newer than you. You will experience a deflation of ego and a resurgence of confidence that comes with doing hard things, and before you know it you will get better. You will move and flow like you never thought you would. You will become the shark. We promise. Welcome to Roots Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Author: Joshua Rozenboom
